ICES still has 2023-2024 yearbooks available for $18.00. Get yours today before they are gone! See Mrs. Hodnett
7 months ago, Irwin County Schools
We will resume normal operations tomorrow, August 7th.
7 months ago, Irwin County Schools
After consulting with local EMA officials, Irwin County Schools will remain closed on Tuesday, August 6th due to weather and road conditions. We hope to reopen on Wednesday and will keep you updated through our website and Facebook page.
7 months ago, Irwin County Schools
The Irwin County School System is actively monitoring the weather situation. We will make a decision about school tomorrow within the next few hours. Thank you for understanding as we keep student and staff safety in mind.
7 months ago, Irwin County Schools
School is canceled for Monday, August 5th. We will post updates on Facebook and our website about school on Tuesday. Thank you and be safe during the storm.
7 months ago, Irwin County Schools
Aug 5
Congratulations to the ICES Teacher of the Year & Employee of the Year for 24-25! TOTY- Abby Clayton & EOTY- DeAnn Adkison
7 months ago, Irwin County Schools
Pick up and Drop Off Information for ICES
7 months ago, Candice Cobb
Pick up and Drop Off Information for ICES
7 months ago, Irwin County Schools
pick up
pick up
Updated Visitor Protocols for ICSS Schools
7 months ago, Irwin County Schools
The Irwin Co Health Department will offer flu shots at the schools again this year. More information can be found in the attached photo. To sign your child up to receive a flu shot, please complete the online consent form by using the QR code or going to
7 months ago, Irwin County Schools
flu shot
New Teacher Orientation was held today for Irwin County Schools. We want to welcome each new staff member to Irwin County.
8 months ago, Irwin County Schools
Meet the Tribe POSTPONED
8 months ago, Irwin County Schools
Open House Dates for 2024-2025
8 months ago, Irwin County Schools
open house
8 months ago, Irwin County Schools
We invite all parents to complete this short parent engagement survey. Scan the QR code or click on the following link.
8 months ago, Irwin County Schools
Springfield Baptist Church is having its 7th annual backpack giveaway hosted by Equilla Johnson and Janice Hodge. Date: Saturday, July 20th, 2024 Time: 10 am- Until Location: Ocilla Neighborhood Center 408 N. Oak St. Ocilla, GA 31774.
8 months ago, Irwin County Schools
Open House Dates for 2024-2025
8 months ago, Irwin County Schools
opeh house
Save the Date: July 25, 2024 6th & 9th Grade Orientations 5:00 PM Meet the Tribe 6:00-8:00 PM
8 months ago, Irwin County Schools
july 25
Now Hiring!
8 months ago, Irwin County Schools
ICES PreK and Kindergarten Registration Date: July 11,2024 Where: Irwin Elementary School Time:11:00am-4:00pm
8 months ago, Irwin County Schools