Blood Drive Feb. 2nd at ICHS
about 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Blood Drive
Irwin County Schools remembers the life and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. #MLKDAY2023
about 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Dr. Martin Luther King
Irwin County Schools and offices will be closed Monday, January 16th in observance of Martin Luther King Day!
about 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Career Opportunity Available Irwin County Elementary School is currently accepting applications for the position of Paraprofessional. Please view the document at the link below for more information. #weareirwin
about 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Career Opportunity
Girl Scouts' Sign-Up Information
about 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Girl Scouts
Irwin County Students Return January 10th
about 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Students Return January 10th
As of January 10, 2023, Irwin County Elementary School is changing afternoon parent pickup routines. The school has elected to make this change in an attempt to resolve congestion issues in front of the school during afternoon pickup. Please see the flyer for the details. Also, videos are posted on the Irwin County Elementary School's Facebook page explaining the changes.
about 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
ICES Parent Pick-up Changes
Happy New Year!
about 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Happy New Year
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Irwin County Schools! We wish you a safe and blessed holiday season!
about 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Merry Christmas
ICSS Schools and Offices Closing for Christmas Break
about 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
ICSS Closing
On December 20, 2022, the Georgia Department of Human Services’ Division of Family & Children Services began issuing Summer P-EBT. These benefits cover the 2022 summer months for eligible children. Please remember that children are eligible for summer P-EBT if they were enrolled in a K-12 Georgia school and approved as eligible for free or reduced priced lunch through the National School Lunch Program. All eligible children will receive $391 for summer P-EBT.. Press release: Updated FAQs: Please note that the P-EBT hotline with the Department of Health and Human Services is active. That phone number is 888-421-3281.
about 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Due to inclement weather, decorating cookies with Mrs. Claus has been relocated today to the Neighborhood Center on N. Oak St. from 3:00-5:00 p.m.
about 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Location Change See Flyer
Reminder of Parent Pick-up Change January 10, 2023 As of January 10, 2023, Irwin County Elementary School is changing afternoon parent pickup routines. The school has elected to make this change in an attempt to resolve congestion issues in front of the school during afternoon pickup. Please see the flyer for the details.
about 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
ICES Parent Pick-up Change Jan. 10th
Irwin County students may access free resources to support their success inside and outside of the classroom with a PINES Student Play Card. More information can be found at the following link
about 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
PINES Library Access for Youth
Irwin County Schools Christmas Break 12/21/22-01/09/23
about 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Christmas Break
Tonight is the Night ICES Spirit Night and Family Math Night will be Tuesday, December 6th! Make plans for a fun family night!!! Chick-fil-A will have a truck on site for you to order supper! Please see the link below: Hope to see you there!
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Spirit Night
Family Night
Brian Buffington's 6th Annual Cyber Safety Event Brian Buffington will present his 6th annual “A Parent’s Guide to Raising Digital Natives” Facebook LIVE event is happening on Dec. 6, 8PM EST. We always have a blast with this! Like years past, there will be giveaways, while also being simulcasted in Spanish. Mark it on your calendars!
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Brian Buffington
CONGRATULATIONS to ICES teacher, Lia Olguin, for being awarded a Bright Ideas Grant from Irwin EMC and the Irwin EMC Foundation! Grants were awarded to energize learning in the classroom. Applications for the next school year will be available in May.
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Lia Olguin
Christmas Spirit Days at ICES
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
GHSA has provided 500 paper tickets for tonight's football game against Swainsboro. These are the only paper tickets Irwin is allowed to sell. All paper tickets have to be provided by GHSA. When the are gone, there will be no more tickets to sell. Tickets will only be sold at the gate.
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
GHSA Football Ticket Update