The Jessica Ross Memorial Blood Drive will be held at ICHS on December 1st from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Jessica Ross Blood Drive
Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It’s everything Irwin County Schools, in your pocket. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
"It's everything Irwin County Schools, in your pocket" image of phone and app
ICES Read to Win Update 11/09/2021
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
ICES Read to Win 11/09/2021
Recreation Department Basketball Sign ups Under Way!
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Rec Sign up
I.C.E.S. celebrated the students who had the most AR points in grades 2-5. They earned the opportunity to have lunch with the principal, Mrs. Barnes. Each student also received a book with a special note inside from the principal. Please join us in celebrating these young gentlemen. Bryce Martin- 2nd grade Trace Royal- 3rd grade Gavin Fowler- 4th grade Kylon Bivens- 5th grade (Had the most AR in the entire school for the 1st 9 weeks)
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Irwin Youth Wrestling! Ages 5-12 sign ups and first practice November 9th @ 5:30 PM in the wrestling gym behind the old school gym.
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
I.C.E.S. was honored to have State Superintendent Richard Woods and his wife Lisha on campus this morning to present each of our 4th graders with a copy of the Declaration of Independence. It is always a pleasure to have Superintendent Woods back in Irwin County!
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Mr. Woods
Superintendent Woods
Richard Woods visits ICES
ICES Students attend assembly with Mr. Woods
Dr. Jadedra Barber's 1st Grade Class honored Mrs. Hillary Heitzman in her fight against breast cancer. The class presented Mrs. Heitzman with a dozen pink roses and with signs of encouragement. Mrs. Heitzman is an occupational therapist with Irwin County Schools. She is also an alumna of Irwin County High School. Pictured are Dr. Barber and her 1st grade students.
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Dr. Barber's 1st Grade Class
The 4H sweet potato decorating contest winners have been announced! Miscellaneous category: 1st: Aniston Johnson, Angel, Mrs. Paulk's class 2nd: Riley Baker, Minion, Ward 3rd: James Johns, Irwin County spirit, Hunt People: 1: Laken Smith, Clown, Mier 2. Ayden Powell, Drum Major, Mier 3: Ada Kate Johnson, Lane Frost, Ward Animals: 1: Kylie Clements, Tater Day Smorgasbord, Paulk 2: Landon Haire, Butterfly, Hunt 3. Taylin Williams, Sheep, Mier Congratulations to All Contestants! Visit to see more.
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
ICES' Read to Win Update as of 10/25/21
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Read to Win Update
We are loving our new app! Access documents, events, news updates, and even emergency notifications. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
"It's everything Irwin County Schools, in your pocket" image of phone and app
The Irwin County Show Choir is sponsoring our bi-annual Halloween Concert and Trunk-or-Treat!!! This Tuesday, October 26th, the ICHS/ICMS Chorus will perform a Halloween Concert with a special performance by the ICHS Band, as well. Immediately following the concert, there will be a trunk-or-treat in the auditorium parking lot. The cost is $5 for both the concert and trunk-or-treat or $3 just for the concert. There will be face painting, art on display, cotton candy for sale, and a cake walk!!!! All proceeds from the event go to help the Show Choir with any competition costs for this year. Please come out and support your fellow Indians as we present this year's Halloween Spooktacular!!! Oh yeah, costumes are encouraged! :)
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
ICHS/ICMS Chorus Concert and Halloween Spooktacular
Also... FCCLA is hosting the PINK OUT at the October 29th game. Members will collect money for the Irwin County Cancer Society. We will also have PINK pom poms and bracelets to give out to all donors. We have provided the cheerleaders with PINK footballs to throw to our fans for every touchdown we receive. So wear your PINK and support the Irwin County Indians, FCCLA and Irwin County Cancer Survivors and Fighters!!!
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
ICSS Appreciates our school's Informational Technologists!!! #weareirwin
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
I.T. Appreciation
October 18-22, 2021 is School Bus Safety Week! "Be Safe-Know the Danger Zone" Artwork by Huyen Pham of Northbrook Middle School, Atlanta, Georgia
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
School Bus Safety Week 2021 Poster
ICES Locker Room Report with Coach Willingham Coach Willingham gives the report on the Read to Win program.
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Title I Annual Meeting All parents and stakeholders are invited and encouraged to attend!
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Title I Annual Meeting
Read 2 Win Update
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Read to Win Update
Red Ribbon Week @ ICES Oct 25-29 "Drug Free Looks Like Me!"
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Get a FREE Smart Teermometer!
over 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools