ICES Students visit the ICHS Ag Department for Ag Awareness Day 2022
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
ICES Ag Awareness Day
Irwin County Schools cordially invites parents, community partners, and all other stakeholders to provide input on the district/school improvement plans, school-parent compacts, and parent engagement plans for next year. The district/schools will be hosting several drop-in sessions for you to review all plans. Location: IC Parent Resource Center (old high school) Dates: March 24, March 30, April 5, April 6 Times: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. or 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. each day If you are unable to attend these meetings, all plans and the feedback forms are located on the parent engagement website linked below.
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Happy First Day of Spring!
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Happy Spring
Happy St. Patrick's Day, Indians!!! @irwinschools #weareirwin
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Happy St. Patrick's Day, Indians!!! @irwinschools #weareirwin
Irwin County Elementary School has a job opening for a full-time Special Education Paraprofessional for the current 2021/2022 school year. Please contact Principal Rontee Barnes for more information at or visit
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
ICES Job Opening
All employees, parents, and community members Irwin County School System invites you to take a moment to provide feedback on how COVID funding has been working in our school system. At your convenience, consider giving your feedback about the various funding and how it's being used. The Survey is on the following page:
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Time to Spring Forward!
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Time Change
A nutritious breakfast at the start of the day is a great way to ensure students are energized and ready to learn! "Take off with School Breakfast" with our ICES cafeteria Superheros. #NSBW22 
about 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
ICES National School Breakfast Week
ICES is celebrating National School Breakfast Week this week! #NSBW22 
about 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
National School Breakfast Week
ICES boys continue to dominate in earning AR points. We celebrate Byrce Martin (2nd Grade), Landon Bridge (3rd Grade), Daniel Parker Toro (4th Grade), and Andrae Hawes (5th Grade) for having the highest AR points in each grade level. They earned lunch with Principal Barnes and received a book with a personal message from the Principal. The boys have been a force this school year; winning for the first and second nine weeks. We are so proud of them!!!
about 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
k-2nd grade Field Day will be Thursday, May 12th & 3rd-5th will be Friday, May 13th. The Field Day shirts will cost $10 for sizes XS-XL. All Orders should be sent to your student's teacher by Friday, April 1st as no orders will be taken after that day.
about 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Field Day
Irwin County Schools phones are back up and going! Thanks for your patience!
about 3 years ago, Kerry Billingsley
Indian head dress
Irwin County Schools will be closed Monday, February 21st, in observance of President's Day.
about 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
School Closed on President's Day 2/21/22
It is time for Spring pictures and class pictures at ICES! Picture day is February 24th!
about 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
ICES Pictures
The phones are working now! Thanks for your patience!
about 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Our school system's phone system is down. We appreciate your patience! Once the phones are back online, we will let you know!
about 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Tomorrow is the 100th Day of School for our Irwin County Elementary School Indians!!! Please check with your child's teacher for any special activities!
about 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
100th Day of School
Irwin County Schools will be closed Monday, January 17th, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
about 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Martin Luther King,  Jr. Day
Picture Retakes are tomorrow, Wednesday, January 12th!
about 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Picture Retakes
2nd Grade Musical will be held on January 19th at 9:00 and 10:00!
about 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
2nd Grade Musical