Irwin County School will be closed Monday, Sept. 5th in observance of Labor Day.

ICSS Home Football and Sporting Events' Guidelines

Blood Drive at ICHS 9/1/22 9:00-2:00

ICES Appreciation for Successful ELA/Title I Night

ICES Family ELA Night 8/25/2022 5:30 p.m.

ICES teachers attended a professional learning class today called K-5 Centers that Rock with Brian Buffington at CPRESA! They look forward to sharing what they’ve learned with their students and colleagues!

You've Got This! Have a great week! #weareirwin #positivevibes

We are looking forward to seeing who can grow the LARGEST pumpkin in Georgia. Keep a close eye on your planted pumpkin seeds to keep those watered and fertilized as needed. Irwin Co 4-H weigh-in day will be October 20th. Thank you to each 4-H'er who is participating in this contest.🍀❤️🖤

ICES Family ELA Night 8/25/2022 5:30 p.m.

The ICES Pre-K Moo Cows made a poster for the ICSS Financial Department to show their appreciation for the financial department's hard work! The Moo Cows are in Ms. Maddie Tuggle's pre-k class.