The IC Big Red Band is still selling our black dry fit shirts for $25.00 (2xl and up are $28). We now have a Venmo account @BigRedMarchingBandBooster. Please fill out the order form with your sizes and method of payment. Deadline is October 6!!!
Order Form: https://forms.gle/Jkxx1iDeXm9k272L9
We are trying to raise money for new uniforms.
Also, pink pompoms are for sale for $4.00 each.

Irwin County Marching Big Red Band
The marching band (booster club) will be selling pink Pompoms for the pink out game (10/28/22)for $4 each
Band booster Venmo is
Comment Pink on Venmo please

It's back to school time, and we know parents are busy working. Don't forget this school year that Dr. Conner and Ocilla Pediatrics are available for virtual visits for your child with their school nurse! You don't have to leave work and take your child to the doctor, just schedule a visit for the school nurse to coordinate with Dr. Conner through telemedicine. Whether your child gets sick at school, needs an ADHD follow up, or medication refills, this can all be done without them leaving school. These services are available at Irwin County Elementary School ad Irwin County Middle/High School. Call 229-468-7323 for more information.

Global Day of Student Prayer

ICHS Band Shirts on sale now!
Please see a band student, band parent, Mrs. Hodnett or Mr. Staub to place an order. Money is due when you order.

Irwin Baseball Fall Camp

Happy Fall from Irwin County Schools #weareirwin

ICES started the week off with Start with Hello's Meet-n-Greet Monday. ICES' cafeteria staff also got in on the action by wearing their Hello Name Tags and greeting all of their students! #startwithhello #startwithhelloweek #sandyhookpromise @sandyhookpromise

#startwithhello ICES Trusted Adult Thursday: Thank a Trusted Adult today. Trusted Adults are always spreading the Start With Hello spirit! #startwithhelloweek #sandyhookpromise

For #StartWithHelloWeek, I promise to say “Hello” to someone new each day. ICES counselors, Anna Youghn and Paige Graham, introduced the Start with Hello program to ICES students. The students learned how much it means to say hello to others to help them feel included and not isolated. #startwithhello #startwithhelloweek #sandyhookpromise

For #StartWithHelloWeek, Irwin County Schools' students promise to say “Hello” to someone new each day. #startwithhello #startwithhelloweek @sandyhookpromise

Get your ICHS One Act Play shirt!

Thank you to Irwin County Schools' Ag Teachers, Tania Bautista, Shayla Johnson, Chris Paulk and Wesley Paulk! Irwin County is lucky to have you leading the students in an area that is so important to our community! We appreciate your dedication and passion you bring to your job and to your students! Happy National #teachag
Day!!! #irwincountyffa

Start with Hello Parent Guide
The parent guide provides information regarding the Start with Hello program. The schools will participate next week, 9/19-9/23.
English and Spanish Versions

Start with Hello Week 9/19-9/23
Start with Hello has daily themes and activities the students will participate in next week. Please see the flyer for the daily themes! Irwin County Schools is excited about helping the students learn more about how to include others!
ICSS has participated in the Sandy Hook Promise program for the last 3 years. Students will be familiar with the program and will be able to continue to learn the steps in helping others.

Start with Hello will be next week, 9/19-9/23! Please continue to check social media for additional information! #startwithhelloweek #sandyhookpromise #weareirwin

ICSS appreciates the system fine arts' departments and teachers! Music at ICES is taught by Mrs. Dee Hodnett and Art is taught by Mrs. Renee' Pridgen.
Thank you for your dedication to bringing fine arts to the students of Irwin County!!!
Georgia Department of Education's Fine Arts includes the study of dance, media arts, music, theatre/film, and visual arts. High school students have the opportunity to achieve a Fine Arts Diploma Seal while completing a Career Pathway in dance, music, theatre/film, and visual art.

For those of you who have been missing the app for you latest School news, scores, and events, the Irwin County Schools App is back up and running. You can download it in the Apple app store and the Google play store. Just search "Irwin County Schools, GA" and click the download button.